"Empire" the Lee Daniels Hip-Hop prime time drama returns to Fox tomorrow night! One of the biggest shows in history featuring majority...
Former Nixon Aide exposes the War On Drugs
There are many individuals who have made it their personal mission to fight for civil liberties and reform of the american justice...
A Tribe Called Quest Mourns The Passing of Phife Dawg
The Hip Hop Community woke up this morning to shocking news of one of their most beloved emcees passing away. Phife Dawg of a Tribe...
Whats preventing you from being "rich"?
What's preventing you from being "rich"? Well according to this article I read on Yahoo, its a bad habit that effects so many of us on a...
Jay Pharoah is Hilarious!
Comedian Jay Pharoah is hilarious! Currently a regular member of Saturday Night Live he started doing impressions at the age of 6. Now 28...
Why Trump Will Win...
Here's a question how many of you can name six (6) other Republican Presidential Candidates other than Donald Trump? Okay now how many of...
Ladies: Is this the end of pads & tampons?
Now normally I won't post any products on my blog unless I use and support the product. Or they have compensated me for advertising or...
Katt Williams Vs Kevin Hart
Comedian Katt Williams while in the midst of some legal issues has challenged comedian Kevin Hart! To see more about this and to hear...
UAlbany "CDTA Bus Incident" Women Go To Court
photo Credit: Paul Buckowski/Times Union It is a sad and confusing situation. One day people are rallying to support these young women,...