Taraji "Cookie" P. Henson has a book coming and we're excited!
Our beloved "Cookie" actress Taraji P. Henson has a book coming out, and we at Maine Event Live are excited! Why? As if we need to...

Donald Trump allegations
Donald Trump is now facing allegations that he has groped women. The number of alleged sexual misbehavior are starting to pile up. It is...

Putin ready for war?
Russian leader Vladimir Putin appears to be preparing his country's military for war. Growing tensions between Russia and the western...

Lebron James picks up team's laundry?
Did you hear about the 3 time NBA Champion who picked up his team's laundry? You probably wouldn't expect that player to be Lebron James....

Review: Marvel's Luke Cage on Netflix
I have finally began to watch Marvel's Luke Cage series on Netflix, and I must say I am impressed. A show about a black superhero with...

This week's #WCW is none other than the stunning " @Soooraven ". Enjoy!

Powerful Big Krit BET HIP HOP AWARDS 2016
Last night during the BET HIP HOP AWARDS I witness a powerful statement that I am impressed to share with you. Big Krit spoke as a true...

This week's #WCW is the eclectic and talented Solange. Tina's other daughter and Beyonce's little sister recently gained the spotlight...