Want Your Music Reviewed?

We at Maine Event Live are opening the doors to allow everyone from independent local artists to world wide celebrity artist to send their music to the MAINE EVENT LIVE BLOG to be reviewed. Here's how it works...
1) Have your music ready at it's best quality that is a true representation of YOU the artist(s).
2) Have a OneSheet, short bio, website or EPK (electronic press kit) giving us information about you and your music.
3) Email maineeventlive@gmail.com SUBJECT LINE: MUSIC REVIEW your music. MP3's, soundcloud links, youtube links, and facebook music page.
4) Look for your review and expect positive & negative reviews of your work. Understand that is merely an opinion, but a pretty good assessment coming from a person of a specific background and experience. Promote the link to the review to your supporters and keep making great expressions of music!