Politics: Sen. Booker said "Bring It!"
I'm not going to make this wordy. I am simply going to repost the video footage and allow you to discuss as you wish! I can't but think...

Just Do It: Nike & Kaepernick
Nike is featuring Colin Kaepernick as the face of the 30th anniversary of the Just do it campaign. A bold and powerful move that only a...

Hypocrisy of the GOP:
First of all let me be transparent, I am not much of a fan of Minister Louis Farrakhan. Although I respect him as a recognized leader in...

For everyone that keeps posting memes like the one below and bringing up the argument that Disney & Marvel made money off Black Panther...

Trump wants to cut food stamps?
The following Yahoo article gives a summary of Trumps plan to discontinue food stamps with a government program similar to the idea of...

Pepsi Ad ft Kendall Jenner pulled...
A Pepsi ad featuring Kendall Jenner was pulled after tons of backlash on social media for its seemingly tone deaf appearance overall....

#WCW: More Than Just Beautiful, Angela Rye
This week's #WCW is none other than the prolific political commentator and quite beautiful Angela Rye. Some might argue to call her...

Donald Trump meets with Kanye', Jim Brown & Ray Lewis
The internet is buzzing over the fact that Kanye West, NFL great and African-American Activist Jim Brown, and NFL great and analyst Ray...

Trevor Noah Tomi Lahren Daily Show appearance
So the other day Comedy Central's The Daily Show host Trevor Noah had a very frank and calm discussion with Tomi Lahren on many of her...

Trump SHOCKINGLY wins election!
After nearly two years of probably one of the most bizarre campaign battles I have ever witnessed Donald Trump has won the presidential...