Powerful Big Krit BET HIP HOP AWARDS 2016
Last night during the BET HIP HOP AWARDS I witness a powerful statement that I am impressed to share with you. Big Krit spoke as a true...

President Obama addressing recent killings
President Obama has been very vocal about the recent killings of black men killed by police officers as well as police officers being...

Busta Rhymes Passion: MBK & FAMM
What is the "War On Drugs"? The answer to that question will likely depend on who you ask. To most it means the incarceration of a...

Former Nixon Aide exposes the War On Drugs
There are many individuals who have made it their personal mission to fight for civil liberties and reform of the american justice...

Why Trump Will Win...
Here's a question how many of you can name six (6) other Republican Presidential Candidates other than Donald Trump? Okay now how many of...

UAlbany "CDTA Bus Incident" Women Go To Court
photo Credit: Paul Buckowski/Times Union It is a sad and confusing situation. One day people are rallying to support these young women,...

Chris Rock Opening the 88th Oscar Awards Show
Last night the Oscars were on, and hosted by Chris Rock. I did not watch it. No not because I was joining the likes of Jada Pinkett-Smith...

Kentucky Student drawing comparing KKK to Police sparks controversy
I find it interesting when people who are not African-American or who are not people of any decent of something other than caucasin white...

Mark Zuckenberg handles racial issue @ Facebook Headquarters
So somebody at Facebook having been crossing out #BlackLivesMatter on the wall boards at Facebook headquartersand replacing them with...

UAlbany students who claimed racial attack charged
Last month on January 30th, three black female University of Albany students alledged that they were attacked by a large number of white...